KPA Broker Success Checklist thumbnail

Broker Success Checklist

Learn how to grow your book of business and increase retention by making your clients' lives easier.


Differentiate Your Brokerage

Provide your insured companies top-down visibility and intelligence that their HR, Safety, and Risk Managers need to proactively address areas of risk with KPA's Risk Management Center. 


Retain Your Clients

Be your client's indispensable, trusted business consultant by providing strategic, measurable value.

Reduce Client Claims

Help your clients reduce their claims by giving them the tools to mitigate risk.

Automate Processes

With automated processes, your clients can shift their attention and focus on creating and maintaining a culture of safety.

Training Solutions for Insurance Brokers

As part of KPA's Risk Management Platform, your insureds have access to a comprehensive library of online and on-site training covering critical Loss Control and Employee Benefit topics including:

  • Harassment Prevention
  • Drug-Free Workplace
  • Emergency Response and Preparedness
  • Personal Protective Equipment

"We are extremely pleased with the decision we made to go with the Risk Management Center. Not only is it an extremely robust risk management tool, it's a retention tool! While the software is comprehensive in itself, the KPA support staff have been phenomenal."

Lisa Heppler
Vice President, Commercial Lines Director | Lovitt & Touche

Differentiate Your Brokerage

Schedule a 30-minute meeting with our experts. We can show you how.